eLiquids were sent to me for the purpose of this review*
new to the game, 100 Large is smashing it! I had the pleasure of
trying them briefly at the Vaper Expo this May, at the NEC in
away, even the way this brand is marketed says a lot about the
company. The shop I work at has taken on this line, and we are
selling these juices like nobodies business!
think something as simple as a mod cloth, or the included nic shots
really hits a chord with consumers, not to mention the juices
themselves are made with incredible pride and precision.
times eLiquid companies produce a line of flavours, and generally
discern a 'crowd favourite'. However 100 Large juices all seem to be
as popular as the next.
On to the reviews!
sent me two of their 'Desserty' flavours, 'Donut Worry' and 'Banana
Haze' . They are both 70% VG, and come in 120ml bottles, filled with
100ml of eLiquid, with enough room to add 2 x 10ml nicotine shots
(that are included, alongside a 100 Large mod wipe)
packaging and bottle graphics are simple yet effective, and there is
absolutely no features that may entice children, something I really
respect and admire.
writing on the boxes and on the bottle itself is pertinent and
informative, without waffling on.
juice comes across as a super rich and hearty strawberry based
flavour. You can really pick up on the jam element, as it is so
realistic and life like. This is compounded with a crispy, delectable
doughnut that also tastes authentic.
doughnut is definitely more prominent on the exhale, and the
strawberry is carried throughout. However, during the whole vaping
process, there was a delicate and welcomed touch of sweet, smooth
vanilla. Something I felt really complimented the other components of
this particular juice.
to this liquids intense and well crafted nature, I could definitely
see this becoming an all day vape, especially for flavour chasers.
Personally, my favourite thing about this juice would have to be its
accurate and true to life flavour – it literally tastes like a
strawberry doughnut!
banana vapes, however they are notoriously difficult to execute
properly. The banana flavouring in this juice presents itself as a
rather creamy take on the fruit. It doesn't taste like a banana foam
candy, but more like a banana custard. To me, it does not come across
as being overly sweet or sickly, but at the same time, nor is it
bland or unexciting.

clouds produced when vaping this juice are both sweet smelling and
generous, and soon the room you are in will be full of cloudy banana
best thing I found with this juice was it's perfect balance between
sweet and savoury, it didn't feel at any point overly sickly nor at
any time was it insipid.
two solid flavours there! I could tell that lots of dedication and
research went in to creating these juices, as it was reflected in the
superior quality of each. I look forward to trying the others too,
one day!
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