We set off at 08:30 from BHVape, and clambered into Johnnie's Van, originally we were to go in Lorna's Mini Cooper, but 4 of us, plus bags and various other items - it just wasn't going to happen.
Johnnie rigged up two squashy arm chairs in the back of the van, it was awesome.
We stopped about halfway there and got ourselves a McDonald's breakfast (I had an egg and cheese bagel!)
Banter and copious amounts of swearing from Johnnie ensued, we even had radio thanks to a make shift aerial made from an old clothes hanger!
Before we knew it, we got to the Excel, Alex and I were most defineatly in our element.
Despite visiting on the Sunday, it wasn't too busy to begin with, and we soon had our passes. We had to walk through a dark hallway that revealed a large , vape filled room.

It was good because it made it easier to visit all the stands, yet still enough space to not feel cramped.
I really enjoyed going with my Vape buddies, and I even saw some friends I had met previously from all over the country. Grimm Green and Ruby Too were there too, but I didn't realise until I left! :-(
I got a fair amount of freebies, and an iridescent blue Minikin v2. Then we came across a Rig stand, and ohmygod, I saw an absolutely beautiful metallic blue and pink Rig V3, that was paired with a Roughneck v3. I had to get it!
Another great thing about VapeJam, was the fact that it is the last big vape event before the TPD legislations come in to effect. Meaning companies were slashing the prices on anything that would be non compliant (such as bottles of ejuice with a capacity of over 10ml or tanks with a capacity over 2ml)
That meant lots of cheap yet decent eLiquid for us to nab before it's gone!
We left at around 4pm and began our trip up to Derby - something that I currently cannot elaborate
on, all I can say is that we had two, 16 hour vape sessions!!!
Overall I had a truly fantastic time and can say that it was probably the best weekend of my entire life!!!
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