Friday, 31 December 2021

*NEW E-LIQUID REVIEW* Dark Cherry by Joozed

Recommended to me by CCR Vape Bar, ‘Dark Cherry’ by Joozed is forged in the heart of Herefordshire and I was intrigued to see what all of the fuss was about.

I like to think that over the years I’ve acquired somewhat of a more well rounded and discernible palate when it comes to tasting and reviewing e-liquids, so I was interested to see how I’d get on with this flavour.

In fact, my very, very, very first e-liquid back in 2015 was an off-brand, cheap and nasty cherry tunes flavour that was beyond vile, it left me with a bad taste in my mouth both literally and figuratively. So just before trying this instalment from Joozed, I admit I had a bit of trepidation at first, but all feelings of apprehension were allayed as soon as I took that initial puff.

Simplicity is often overlooked when it comes to e-liquid manufacturing but complexity is not always necessary in creating a decent e-liquid.

Notes of sweet, saccharine glacé cherries bubble to the top of the inhale giving a deep and flavourful vape, without being overwhelming. The lighter cherry tones are followed closely by a rich and dark cherry, highly reminiscent of the fruit itself. 

The relationship between these two cherry variants combine to create an unmistakably delectable and well-thought-out overall flavour. It has sweetness, it has tartness and it has a powerful fruity blast - what more could you want?

One of the things I enjoyed most about this flavour was the relative absence of unnecessary additions - no ice, no cream nor any other complicated elements.

You know when a flavour is good when it stands up on its own and is conveyed extremely well, making it an easy choice for any vaper who enjoys fruit-based e-liquids.

Thanks for the recommendation Simon!

Go to to grab this one of a kind flavour as well as the other e-liquids in the Joozed line.